
The sign command provides sub-commands that helps you sign git objects (e.g. tag and commit) and generate a push token which a MakeOS node will need to authenticate your push requests.

The command, when called without a subcommand will attempt to sign the current branch's latest commit and generate a corresponding push token.

To see a list of sub-commands, run kit sign -h

Sign a commit, tag or note. Run 'kit sign' to sign the current commit.

  kit sign [command] [flags]
  kit sign [command]

Available Commands:
  commit      Sign a commit or branch
  note        Sign a note
  tag         Sign an annotated tag

  -f, --fee float                 Set the network transaction fee
      --head string               Specify the branch to use as git HEAD
  -h, --help                      help for sign
      --merge-id string           Provide a merge proposal ID for merge fulfilment
  -n, --nonce uint                Set the next nonce of the signing account signing
  -x, --reset                     Clear existing remote tokens before creating a new one
  -u, --signing-key string        Address or index of local account to use for signing transaction
  -p, --signing-key-pass string   Passphrase for unlocking the signing account
  -v, --value string              Set a value for paying additional fees

Global Flags:
      --dev                       Enables development mode
      --gitpath string            Set path to git executable (default "git")
      --home string               Set the path to the home directory (default "/Users/ncodes/.kit")
      --home.prefix string        Adds a prefix to the home directory in dev mode
      --loglevel stringToString   Set log level for modules (default [])
      --net uint                  Set network/chain ID (default 1)
      --no-colors                 Disables output colors
      --no-log                    Disables loggers
      --profile.mode string       Enable profiling mode, one of [cpu, mem, mutex, block]
      --remote string             Set the default remote name (default "origin")
      --remote.address string     Set the RPC server address (default ":9002")
      --rpc.https                 Force the client to use https:// protocol
      --rpc.password string       Set the RPC password
      --rpc.user string           Set the RPC username

Use "kit sign [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Global Options

The command includes global options that can be set for all sub-commands.

  • -f, --fee - Set the number of coins to pay as a transaction processing fee. If unset, the value of user.fee config option of the current repository will be used.

  • -n, --nonce - Set the next nonce of the signing account. This is the number of transactions sent by the signing account + 1. If unset, the value of user.nonce config option of the current repository will be used.

  • -v, --value - (Optional) Set the number of coins to be transferred from the signing account. If unset, the value of user.value config option of the current repository will be used.

  • -r, --remote - Provide the remote name where the push token will be added to.

  • -x, --reset - Clear previous request tokens from the .git/config before creating a new one.

Remote API Server

  • --remote.address - The address of the Git & RPC remote server.


For methods that require connecting to a running node, Kit will attempt to connect via RPC by default. These are the options to control the connection:

  • --rpc.user - The username to send to the RPC server for authentication.

  • --rpc.password - The password to send to the RPC server for authentication.

  • --rpc.https - Enables SSL connection to the RPC server.


  • -u, --signing-key - The address or index of a key that will be used to sign the transaction. If unset, the value of user.signingKey config option of the current repository will be used.

  • -p, --signing-key-pass - The passphrase that will be used to unlock the signing key. If unset, the value of user.passphrase config option of the current repository will be used.

Last updated