
This module allows you to create and manage namespaces. It can be accessed from the global variable ns.


ns.register(txObject, [signingKey | payloadOnly | [signingKey, payloadOnly]])

Send a transaction to register a public key as a push key.


  1. txObject - Object: The transaction object

    • name - String: The unique name

    • value - String: The namespace registration fee.

    • to - String: (optional) The user address or repository that will own and control the namespace.

    • domains - Object: The namespace domain and target pairs. The domain must contain only alphanumeric (plus underscore and hyphen) characters. The target must be a user address prefixed with a/ or a repository name prefixed with r/.

    • nonce - Number|String : The signing account’s next nonce.

    • fee - String: The network fee to be paid by the signing account.

    • timestamp - String: (optional) The unix timestamp of the transaction.

    • sig - String : (optional) The transaction signature. If not provided, the transaction will be signed using the signingKey.

  2. signingKey - String: (optional) The private key to use to sign the transaction.

  3. payloadOnly - Boolean: (optional) When true, the transaction payload is returned instead of being sent to the network.


Object - The result object

  • hash - String: A 32 bytes transaction hash.


  • Create a transaction to register a namespace.

   value: "1", 
   fee: "1", 
   name: "myname", 
   domains: {
      "target": "r/repo", 
      "target2": "a/os1qfrysysaawvjlgfz5ecqv569adkkw7sxudy36u"
}, user.getKey(accounts[0]))


ns.updateDomain(txObject, [signingKey | payloadOnly | [signingKey, payloadOnly]])

Send a transaction to register a public key as a push key.


  1. txObject - Object: The transaction object

    • name - String: The unique name

    • domains - Object: The namespace domain and target pairs. Domain must contain only alphanumeric (plus underscore and hyphen) characters. Target must be a user address prefixed with a/ or a repository name prefixed with r/.

    • nonce - Number|String : The signing account’s next nonce.

    • fee - String: The network fee to be paid by the signing account.

    • timestamp - String: (optional) The unix timestamp of the transaction.

    • sig - String : (optional) The transaction signature. If not provided, the transaction will be signed using the signingKey.

  2. signingKey - String: (optional) The private key to use to sign the transaction.

  3. payloadOnly - Boolean: (optional) When true, the transaction payload is returned instead of being sent to the network.


Object - The result object

  • hash - String: A 32 bytes transaction hash.


  • Create a transaction to update the domains of a namespace.

   value: "1", 
   fee: "1", 
   name: "ns-xyz", 
   domains: {
      "target": "r/repo"
}, user.getKey(accounts[0]))


ns.lookup(name, [height])

Find a namespace by its name.


  1. name - String: The name of the namespace.

  2. height - String|Number: (optional) The block height to query (Default: latest).


Object - The result object

  • name - String: The namespace name.

  • owner - String: The user address or repository that owns the namespace.

  • expiresAt - String: The block height when the namespace lease expires.

  • graceEndAt - String: The block height when grace period will end.

  • expired - Boolean: When true, it means the namespace has expired.

  • grace - Boolean: When true, it means that namespace has expired and in the grace period.


  • Create a transaction to register a namespace.

   value: "1", 
   fee: "1", 
   name: "google", 
   domains: {
      "target": "r/repo", 
      "target2": "a/os1qfrysysaawvjlgfz5ecqv569adkkw7sxudy36u"
}, user.getKey(accounts[0]))


ns.getTarget(path, [height])

Find a namespace by its name.


  1. path - String: The domain path namespace/domain

  2. height - String|Number: (optional) The block height to query (Default: latest).


String - The target value


// sends a transaction to register a namespace

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