
The contributor command allows you to add and manage contributors to a repository.

To see a list of sub-commands, run kit contributor

  kit contributor [flags]
  kit contributor [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add one or more contributors to a repository or a namespace or both

  -h, --help                  help for contributor
      --no.rpc                Disable connection to the JSON-RPC API
      --rpc.https             Force the client to use https:// protocol
      --rpc.password string   Set the RPC password
      --rpc.user string       Set the RPC username

Global Options


For methods that require connecting to a running node, Kit will attempt to connect via RPC by default. These are the options to control the connection:

  • --remote.address - The address of the RPC server to make connections to.

  • --rpc.user - The username to send to the RPC server for authentication.

  • --rpc.password - The password to send to the RPC server for authentication.

  • --rpc.https - Enables SSL connection to the RPC server.

  • --no-rpc - If this is set, it will prevent the command from connecting to a remote node via JSON-RPC.

Last updated