
The create command lets you create a merge request or to add a comment to an existing merge request.


kit mr create [options]
  kit mr create [flags]

      --base string              Specify the base branch name
      --baseHash string          Specify the current hash of the base branch
  -b, --body string              The merge request message (max. 8 KB)
  -c, --close                    Close the merge request
      --editor string            Specify an editor to use instead of the git configured editor
  -f, --force                    Forcefully create the close comment (uncommitted changes will be lost)
  -h, --help                     help for create
  -i, --id int                   Specify a unique merge request number
      --new                      Force a new merge request to be created instead of adding a comment to HEAD
      --no-body                  Skip prompt for the merge request body
  -e, --reactions strings        Add reactions to a reply (max. 10)
  -o, --reopen                   Re-open a closed merge request
  -r, --reply string             Specify the hash of a comment to respond to
      --target string            Specify the target branch name
      --targetHash string        Specify the hash of the target branch
  -t, --title string             The merge request title (max. 250 B)
  -u, --use-editor core.editor   Use git's core.editor program to write the body


  • id - Provide the ID of the merge request; Must be a number with not more than 16 characters in length. For example, if the ID is 10, then the merge request reference will be refs/heads/merges/10. If a merge request exists with the matching ID, a comment will be added to the existing merge request.

  • base - The name of the branch where the updates from a different branch will be merged in.

  • baseHash - The current commit hash of the base branch. If ~ is used, it will set it to the recent commit hash of the base branch. If . is used, it will set it to the recent hash of the current (HEAD) branch.

  • target - The name of the branch containing updates that will be merged into the base branch.

  • targetHash - The current commit hash of the target branch. If ~ is used, it will set it to the recent commit hash of the target branch. If . is used, it will set it to the recent hash of the current (HEAD) branch.

  • -t, --title - The title of the merge request. Required only when creating a new merge request. If unset, a prompt will be started to ask for it.

  • -b, --body - The body of the merge request or comment. If unset, a prompt will be started to ask for it.

  • -l, --labels - Add up to 10 labels to the merge request.

  • -a, --assignees - Add up to 10 assignees to the merge request.

  • -e, --reactions - Provide up to 10 reactions to a comment. Supports Unicode v13.0 emoji list. Note: emoji short names with spaces must replace them with underscore (_) character. For example, upside-down face becomes upside-down_face.

  • -r, --reply - Specify the hash of a comment in an existing merge request you wish to respond to. If provided, reactions will be addressed to the target comment.

  • -c, --close - Close a merge request. The user must have update rights to successfully push a closed merge request reference.

  • -o, --reopen - Reopen a closed merge request. The user must have update rights to successfully push the reopened merge request reference.

  • --editor - Specify an editor program to use to write the body instead of a prompt or -b flag.

  • -u, --use-editor - Similar to --editor but uses default git editor set in core.editor.

  • --new - While checked into a merge request branch, force the command to create a new merge request instead of adding a comment to the checked out merge request. Note: If the checked out branch is dirty, it will fail without using --force to ignore unsaved changes.

  • --no-body - Prevent the command from starting a prompt to ask the body.

  • --force - Ignore unsaved changes to the currently checked out branch. Unsaved updates will be lost.


  • Create a merge request

kit mr create 
    --title="Made header visible" \
    --body="The header no longer hides behind..." \
    --base="master" \
    --baseHash="63fbec94fe9a8d5aef4a26f4598449888511e033" \
    --target="fix/header" \
  • Create a merge request that uses ~ to fetch the current base and target branch hashes.

kit mr create 
    --title="Made header visible" \
    --body="The header no longer hides behind..." \
    --base="master" \
    --baseHash="~" \
    --target="fix/header" \

Last updated