
The vote command creates a transaction that votes for or against a repository proposal.


kit repo vote [options] <choice>
  kit repo vote [flags] <choice>

  -f, --fee float                 Set transaction fee to pay to the network
  -h, --help                      help for vote
  -i, --id string                 The unique ID of the proposal
  -m, --mr string                 The unique ID of a merge request
  -n, --nonce uint                Set the next nonce of the signing account signing
  -r, --repo string               The name of the repository
  -u, --signing-key string        Address or index of local account to use for signing transaction
  -p, --signing-key-pass string   Passphrase for unlocking the signing account


  • choice - The vote choice.

    • 0 - No

    • 1 - Yes

    • 2 - NoWithVeto

    • 3 - Abstain


  • -r, --repo - The repository name on which the proposal exists.

  • -i, --id - The unique ID of the proposal that will be voted on.

  • -m, --mr - Like --id, but use this if the proposal is a merge request. It will add the necessary merge request proposal prefix.

  • -h, --help - Prints out a help message.

Transaction Options

  • -f, --fee - The number of coins to pay as the network transaction fee. It will be deducted from the signer's account.

  • -n, --nonce - The next nonce of the signer's account (current nonce + 1).

  • -v, --value - The number of coins to transfer from the signer's account.

  • -u, --signing-key - The address or index of a key that will be used to sign the transaction.

  • -p, --signing-key-pass - The passphrase that will be used to unlock the signing key.


  • Creates a transaction that votes Yes to a proposal with the ID = 101 in a repository named myrepo.

kit repo vote 1 -i=101 -u=0 -f=1.51 -r="myrepo"

Last updated